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    Key facts
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    HM/PT support
    available HU PLO and NL
    reliable brand
    high rakeback
    Our ratings
    Game selection4.3
    Bonuses and promotions4.5
    Casual players4.2
    Deposits and withdrawals4.6
    Convenience of the software4.4
    Ladbrokes Poker screenshots
    Ladbrokes Poker Cash Lobby EnLadbrokes Poker Holdem Table EnLadbrokes Poker Spins Lobby EnLadbrokes Poker Omaha Table En

    Ladbrokes Poker Review

    Rodion Longa

    Ladbrokes brand is familiar to sports betting fans. For many years this company on a par with other British brands have been serving customers from all over the world and has an excellent reputation. About two years ago, Ladbrokes conducted merging with other reputable bookmaker Coral. The merging was approved by the British antimonopoly agency, despite the fact that the merger has allowed to create one of the largest companies in the betting world.

    Traffic overview

    Ladbrokes Poker is a part of iPoker Network. This network has no longer separated pools, so the Ladbrokes offers its services to everyone interested in iPoker Network. Currently, all the skins work according to the same rules and have the same opportunities, and this affects positively on the quality of compositions at the tables. iPoker is a classic European network, so the peak of activity falls in the evening. Up to NL100 games are played actively and extensively. Nevertheless, you can find an activity up to the highest limits. However, he higher the limit, the more you need to pay attention to the table select. Omaha is inferior to Hold'em in activity about in a quarter, but the undisputed advantage is the presence of HU PLO tables. In SnG all activity is focused on the Twister-tournaments (analogue of  Spin&Go). MTT are played actively, periodically an extensive series with millions of guarantees, such as IPOPS, are conducted. Speed Poker and Hold'em are also very popular. EUR is the basic currency of a game. However, there are also USD and GBR tables.

    Software and trackers support

    If earlier software of Playtech and the "old iPoker" were satisfactory, for the last few years, after a large-scale updating, the software has made a significant step forward. There are no freezes, buzzes, slowdowns and crashes! Everything is very neat and quickly. Design and functionality have also improved. In general, the current software of iPoker looks fresh and modern. Holdem Manager and PokerTracker are supported by default. However, if you suddenly seem it not to be enough, you can easily connect additional layouts, mods and scripts.

    Deposit and withdrawal methods

    iPoker Network uses the full range of Deposit and withdrawal methods including Skrill, Neteller and Paypal. There are no problems with deposit and cash out to a bank card. However, it takes a little more time. Usual, withdrawal (assuming that verification has been passed) takes no more than 72 hours.


    Ladbrokes is a reputable brand that is known around the world. The main profile of the company is sports betting, so poker players often come to play for fun. In general, in the light of the latest updates and enhancements, iPoker Network is must have choice for any serious player. And our special deal at Ladbrokes will make your game in this network the most comfortable and beneficial.

    Update 16/12/2018: From January 2019, Ladbrokes Poker will close its affiliate program, meaning that promotions as rakeback and private rake races are no longer available.