
Tiktoker Alexander "wolfangpoker" Wolfwang becomes PokerBros Ambassador


The PokerBros mobile app has closed its third sponsorship contact in recent months. This time, 26-year old video blogger Alexander Wolfang became the new ambassador. How and who should be attracted to the room by his team members? We will tell you in this article


Justin Bieber lookalike and poker

Not all poker rooms are willing to spend money on sponsorship contracts with players or media personalities. Therefore, it is even more interesting when mobile applications take such a step.

PokerBros announced its new ambassador — Alexander Wolfang, representing the room on TikTok, YouTube, and live poker series in the United States.

It can't be said that he is popular even within the United States, but Alexander is a rather colorful personality that is perfectly suited to attract a modern youth audience to poker.

Alexander Wolfang poker videoblog

The American has been playing live for several years, and since 2019, he decided to combine the game and his passion for video by starting a vlog on YouTube. Almost all of his videos were devoted to analyzing poker hands. In two years, his channel has gained 16 thousand subscribers and 900 thousand views.

However, Wolfang got much more popular in 2020, first after pranking Justin Bieber on the streets of Hollywood and then meeting TikTok. On the second platform, he gained 111 thousand subscribers in just six months, although he posted the same videos on YouTube.

Landing on the Mid-States Poker Tour

PokerBros Team Kyle Cali

With Alexander, the PokerBros Team is now composed of three people:

  1. Cedrric "poker_traveler" Trevino, 37-year old San Antonio resident and entrepreneur, who, along with his wife, enjoys poker traveling around the United States.
  2. Kyle "Cali_Kidddd" Kitagawa, professional player winner of the 2019 ME WPT DeepStacks ($106,250).

In late April, they played the WPT Series in Florida at the acclaimed Seminole Hard Rock Casino, and this month the three members of the team will be heading to the Mid-States Poker Tour in Las Vegas to promote the app.

The PokerBros Team will be busy advertising live series in the United States, and Alexander "wolfangpoker" Wolfang will use online platforms for this. You can also play against them at the online tables of the room.

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