
TOP 3 Million Dollar Game at Hustler Casino


The Hustler Casino studio hosted the second Million Dollar Game from May 28 to 31, 2024. Many exciting hands were played during four extensive broadcasts. Our team selected the best three for our readers.

Million Dollar Game 2 Hustler Casino Live

Tom Dwan loses more than a million

The first stream of the Million Dollar Game was watched by more than 27,000 people. As expected, Tom Dwan was one of the most popular players, although clearly not for the reasons he wanted. The session did not go well from the start, and as a result, he lost two pots of more than one million:

  1. First, he got involved in a multi-pot on the button with 94s and lost more than $500,000 on a 644T2 board when his opponent showed TT.
  2. Then he raised with JTo, called a 3-bet, and got a ten on the flop, which improved to three of a kind on the turn, only to see his opponent had QT for a better hand.

Interestingly, Tom lost both hands to the same opponent, Peter, who ended up with a massive stack of $2.52 million.

”I shouldn't have paid with 94, of course, but I couldn't do anything on the JT," Dwan said in a postgame interview. He ended the session losing $992k.

Bluff of the Year with Doyle Brunson's hand

The most shocking hand of the whole program was thanks to Texas Mike against a player named "Hook.”

Mike entered the pot with a straddle with T2 and called on the flop with 54A (straight gutshot draw), while Hook bet with 78. Then the turn turned out to be a 6, and the fate of the hand seemed decided as Hook completed his straight. Mike decided to make a check-raise bluff with no chance of improving his hand, which paid Hook. A possible flush draw was completed on the river. Hook bet $160k on a clear overbet, and a brave Mike decided to check-push.

Hook decided not to bet his remaining $574k with a straight, leaving a hand to remember with an incredible victory with T2o just a couple of weeks from the anniversary of the death of the unforgettable Doyle Brunson.

Second largest jackpot in the history of Hustler Casino

Alan Keating took the program's largest bot, $2.4M. The show's regular visitor had a VPIP of 68% and still managed to snatch a huge amount of money from his rivals.

Alan, with T9 of spades, got a strong draw on a 48J flop, as this one had two spades. His opponent, Raul, hit a pair of eights and could complete a flush.

Two big bets by Keating did not scare his opponent, who connected his straight on the river thanks to a seven. Sadly for Raul, this also brought him two pairs, and he bet $200k on the river, receiving an all-in in response, which he paid after thinking about it for a while.

Main Features of Million Dollar Game 2

The most expensive cash game of the year, with a minimum buy-in of $1,000,000 ($500/$1,000 blinds and $2,000 ante on the BB), was played at the Hustler Casino in Los Angeles from May 28 to 31, 2024.

  • Four days of playing with Tom Dwan. Show organizer Ryan Feldman said Tom had offered to play in “more than one game,” and the American participated all four days in a row.
  • For some reason, Daniel Cates didn't play. In April, Feldman said that Cates, Doug Polk, and Tom Dwan would meet at the table, but "jungleman" never arrived.
  • Ethan "Rampage" Yau and Nik Airball failed to raise money for the buy-in. Yau was even announced in the schedule, but he said he could not attend. "I have to admit that I won't be able to play this time. I hope things will be better next year”" Ethan admitted on Twitter.

The next edition of the Million Dollar Game of the Hustler Casino will continue to bring us a lot of emotions and impressive hands.

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